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How to cancel a subscription from your desktop app
How to cancel a subscription from your desktop app
Updated over a week ago

How to cancel a subscription from your desktop app

To cancel a subscription made via the Mysterium VPN desktop app, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Mysterium VPN application on your device and click on the gear icon to open up settings;

  2. In the settings window, open the Account section and then press Manage Subscription;

  3. Your internet browser will launch with the Mysterium VPN dashboard there. Press the ‘Manage payments’ button on this page;

  4. You will be redirected to the payment processor, where you can update your plan or cancel it.

Alternatively, instead of going through the application to the Mysterium VPN dashboard, you can sign in to your account on the Mysterium VPN main website to access it directly.

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